Thursday, March 18, 2021

Servos work! And, replacing a switch

The servos are now working on the turnback end of the Lower Level staging. This is known colloquially as "Barr" staging. A couple of weeks ago, Steven Cox and I de-bugged the software. All the servos are working correctly. 

Earlier this week, I installed the last servo-track switch link. 

I have a couple of takeaways from this project: 
    - Software development is not my forte. I spent many hours trying to learn the software that makes the arduino nano work. It didn't take with me. 
    - I did and do like putting together the circuits, control panel, installing and fine tuning the servos. 
    - The project was enjoyable. I’ll use it for the other end of the staging yard and three other staging yards. 

The exit end of Barr staging should be done in a couple of weeks. All the servos are mounted, I need to complete the wiring and bending the linkages. 

One philosophy I have developed with this layout is: try to do things right before moving on to the next project. Rushing will only leave loose ends or errors to be fixed later. I want to minimize do overs. 

That brings me to the second part of the blog. Replacing a switch on the turnback end of Barr staging. The lower level staging yard was mostly built with reclaimed Peco flex track and switches. 

As I was debugging the yard throat, I found one reclaimed switch that should have been put in the garbage. The throw bar was not freely moving. There was no obvious solution in trying to repair in place. I decided to install a replacement. Fortunately, I had a new switch in the track box. 

The project, however, was not one I eagerly approached. I was having to "do over" work. But, I tried changing my mindset and thought about how the prototype railroad would have handled. I realized I was doing track repair. They fix it without complaint. It was a lightbulb moment. I better get used to fixing stuff that needed to be fixed. 

With a pair of rail cutters in hand, I started the job. First thing to do was to cut out the old switch.
The old switch has been cut out. The little silver thingy on the right is the servo holder bracket.

I'll skip over the steps in the job. It took about 1¼ hours to finish the task. I could have done it faster, but I wanted to avoid track kinks.
New switch is in and being weighted down while glue sets

Here's the completed job - showing the old switch, as well. 
The new switch is in, above it is the old switch. Sorry for the upside photo orientation.

That concludes today’s update. Hopefully next time, the topic will be about the completion of the other end of the staging yard.

B&OCT in N Scale -- Back in action

 I'm back to work on the B&OCT in N Scale. I solved a problem with the servo controller at the entrance to the Barr Yard staging yar...