Saturday, October 9, 2021

Progress report -- the organizing continues

Sometimes when straightening a mess you have to make a bigger one.

That's the case currently. I'm making a lot of fine-particle sawdust -- as I cut plywood to make wall-mounted cabinets and drawers for on-going projects.

The idea: build some temporary, but desperately needed storage units. These units will be two-feet high, 16-inches deep and range in length from two- to four-feet. They will be mounted on the wall, at ceiling level. Should they be more permanent than temporary, they will be ideal to hang layout lighting above the top level. 

This project consumed a 4'x8' sheet of 1/2-inch plywood that has been hanging around in the garage, getting in the way. I'm cutting up other sheet lumber to add to the project. It's a two-fer. I'm getting rid of sheet lumber and adding more storage. Getting rid of the sheet lumber will give me access to some stored rolling stock and locomotives. I'll use a locomotive for track testing. (more to come on that.)

One of the wall units will have a section for drawers housing on-going project kits. The drawers will keep rolling stock projects, track work, fasttracks switch assembly, structures. The drawers will have all the needed tools and supplies. Easy to find, pull out, set up and when done, easy to put away. 

Next up -- cut some 1/4" plywood for drawer runners and stabilization blocks. 

One other update -- all the helix sections have been trimmed and are ready to be assembled -- once the storage cabinet project is done. 

Here are a few in-progress pictures:

Trimmed helix sections -- ready for installation.

Framing for project kit drawers. They will have either hardboard bottoms or 1/4" ply bottoms.

Sheet plywood cut to make wall storage units. Next up -- sanding and assembling. 

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B&OCT in N Scale -- Back in action

 I'm back to work on the B&OCT in N Scale. I solved a problem with the servo controller at the entrance to the Barr Yard staging yar...