Wednesday, June 30, 2021

22 times roundy, roundy -- 118 more to go

A quick update -- A test freight train has run the Barr Staging loop 22 times. Only 118 more loops to go.


The Barr staging is the lowest level of the layout and before more layout is added on top of it, I wanted to make sure that it was fully tested. So far, I've found a couple of track feeder wires that were blocking passing trains. and one turnout needing a wider guard rail. A little work with a file did the trick.

At a minimum, that's 10 times around for each of the 14 staging tracks.

A couple more dizzying hours and the testing should be done. 


B&OCT in N Scale -- Back in action

 I'm back to work on the B&OCT in N Scale. I solved a problem with the servo controller at the entrance to the Barr Yard staging yar...